Walking through the Garden

Here I am walking through the garden again, sometimes I wonder if I’m getting any work done but it is so fun to see all the produce growing and getting bigger. So while I was running around trying to find where the chickens laid their eggs I took the camera just in case I wanted to take a photo and so…

Hamburg Chickens

this is what I found. The cucumbers have grown about six inches in the last few days and funny thing the crickets have taken up residence in the garden greenhouse. It sounds like the nocturnal building at the Woodland Park Zoo. The broccoli is headed up ready to harvest. We had some for supper, yum, yum. And the cabbage is looking so nice, just another week or so.

Cucumbers in garden houseBroccoliCabbage





The onion patch is finally growing strong and look at the beets they are almost ready to eat as beet greens. Can you spot the potato bugs on the eggplant? Sometimes I think the bugs like eggplant better than the potatoes.






The herbs are coming along. I ate a little Kale leaf and it was very sweet and tender and then I tasted the first Basil leaf, it just reminds me of Farmers Market. The lettuce is beautiful and I love the way it grows in such distinctive colors. Even the corn is finally starting to get some height on it but I don’t know if it will make our goal of, knee-hi by the 4th of June.

Basil, Parsley, KaleLettuceCorn





The garlic is still looking good. We have a hard time keeping enough water and nutrients to keep it growing good. Can you see the Hamburg chicken running around on bug patrol? They never make dust holes or dig up the plants just move quickly through the garden eating bugs.


Such a beautiful day today after that wind, hail and rain of yesterday.


This entry was posted in Planning, Plant Care, Planting, Weblog.

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