When do I start my Petunia Seeds?

Are you asking yourself, when do I start my Petunia seeds? Petunia’s take 70 to 84 days from seed germination to first flowers, that is about 10 – 12 weeks. The commercial growers for the North-west area of the country start their seeds around the end of January or the first week in February to be ready for the first spring sales. The seeds started then will be large plant with blooms in the trays these are the ones used to pot up the full baskets of petunia’s with beautiful flowers on them.

Gorgeous Petunias

Petunia seed is some of the smallest seed to work with it is very, very small. If you want to make your life a little easier buy it in the pelleted form so that you can place them easier in your potting soil. The seed is so small that if your soil mixture is not fine enough the seed will just filter down deep and the plants will never come up.

The pelleted seed is about 1/8 of an inch and stays on top nicely. Also, consider the price you are paying for 10 seeds in a packet, it is real nice if all the seed germinate and poke their heads above the dirt. 🙂

These plants are about four weeks old and just transplanted. They are doing very well.

Transplanted Petunias


Time to get to seeding and start those little beauties.

A Petunia basket we sold at Farmers Market

A Petunia basket we sold at Farmers Market

This entry was posted in Harvesting, Planting.

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